Welcome to 1 Aim

Maximising assets, investment returns and revenue

Welcome to 1 Aim, specialists in business development and revenue generation for individuals and companies. Our 1 Aim is to help you or your company maximise your assets, intellectual property (I.P.) and income opportunities to create the highest possible income and the best return-on-investment (ROI).

Our company is split into five divisions, all with specialist goals. So if you are looking to penetrate a new market with an existing product, create brand new revenue streams from dormant intellectual property (I.P.) or have a large amount of surplus assets or stock that need selling, our team can help.

With a range of customers, suppliers and partners based in the UK and globally, we have an extensive distribution network and access to the highest quality, expert advice.
Speak to 1 Aim today about business development for your organisation.

We want to hear from innovators, inventors, companies & individuals!

Our vision is to bring individuals, corporate and investors together with the 1 Aim of creating income, profit and value from identifying great market opportunities and exploiting them for maximum return for all parties involved.

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Our Divisions

1 Aim Asset Management

The purchase and disposal, through effective sales and marketing, of surplus and redundant assets. We have a particular speciality in aviation assets.

1 Aim

Marketing, sales and project management support across a broad range of services. We specialise in helping companies with little expertise in sales or have a small sales team.

1 Aim Product Development

Translating and transposing existing products from one market sector into another, developing additional or greater income.

1 Aim I.P. Management

Reviews, analysis and business development of commercial intellectual property (I.P) to drive new income streams for inventors and commercial organisations.

1 Aim

Working together with investors and high-net-worth individuals (HNWI) who are looking for unique opportunities that generate greater rates of return than standard stocks and shares.